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One Year at OGE: Much has been accomplished, there is still much to do

August 27, 2019

Without the trust of its people this nation cannot succeed. 

When I was sworn in as Director of the United States Office of Government Ethics one year ago, I remarked upon the enormity of this Office’s mission. And every day since, I have come to more fully appreciate the scale of that challenge. This mission could be overwhelming but for the tireless dedication of the terrific and talented public servants that I am honored and fortunate to lead.  

Together, we are making progress. In the last year, we have helped citizens to more easily access ethics documents and information. We have worked to help ensure that government leaders keep their ethics commitments, and we have done our part to hold those leaders accountable when they’ve fallen short. I have met personally with the head of each cabinet agency who has been confirmed by the Senate, to ensure that they each understand how important they are, as the leaders of their ethics programs, to fostering and preserving the public trust, and to ask them for their close attention to challenges facing the ethics programs in their agency.

There is still much to do. OGE is currently working to enhance the way that it conducts oversight, is working to improve its website, is planning a National Government Ethics Summit, and continues to find ways to streamline and modernize ethics policies and regulations. In short, we’re very busy. 

We cannot do it alone, however. 

We need you to stay engaged, to access the information OGE makes available, and to use that information to help ensure that your government is working on your behalf. We need your comments and ideas, when we look to improve ethics rules. We need you to expect and require that your government acts with integrity. In this great experiment—a government of, by, and for the people—we all play a role. At OGE we are honored to help you play yours.