Agency Leadership

OGE is led by a director who is appointed by the President to a 5 year term. OGE’s Director is assisted by a team of three career government executives.

Douglas A. Collins

Acting Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics

Shelley Finlayson

Shelley K. Finlayson

Chief of Staff and Program Counsel, U.S. Office of Government Ethics

OGE’s mission is to provide overall leadership and oversight of the executive branch ethics program designed to prevent and resolve conflicts of interest. As Chief of Staff Ms. Finlayson directs OGE’s overall operations. As Program Counsel her responsibilities include: strategic planning, monitoring ethics program performance, supporting agency ethics offices through OGE’s Desk Officer program, overseeing the training of thousands of ethics officials, ensuring OGE’s legal compliance, developing and implementing OGE’s external communication strategy, managing OGE’s congressional affairs, and spearheading strategic initiatives, including the development of an executive branch-wide electronic filing system for public financial disclosures. She also serves as the First Assistant.

Before coming to OGE in 2006, Ms. Finlayson developed expertise through positions with local, state, and federal governments, and in private legal practice. Her experience includes serving at the Congressional Budget Office, the Maryland General Assembly, the government of the District of Columbia, and the DLA Piper law firm.

Ms. Finlayson earned a Juris Doctor degree from Georgetown University Law Center, a Masters degree in Public Policy from Rutgers University, and a Bachelors degree in Political Science from the University of California, Riverside.

Christopher (Chip) Dale

Dale "Chip" Christopher

Deputy Director for Compliance, U.S. Office of Government Ethics

Mr. Christopher was selected as the Deputy Director for Compliance in February 2015.

He first joined OGE in 1991 as a Management Analyst in the Program Review Division, the predecessor to the Compliance Division. He served for 15 years in the Program Review Division before being promoted to head the division in 2006. He then served as the Associate Director of the Program Services Division for two years before transitioning to OGE’s Office of General Counsel, where he was a Lead Financial Analyst. Most recently, Mr. Christopher served as the Chief of OGE’s Agency Assistance Branch, where he and his staff provided valuable guidance and support to the executive branch ethics community.

He earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from West Virginia University.