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President Signs Bill Limiting Online Posting Requirement of the STOCK Act

April 15, 2013

On April 15, 2013, President Obama signed into law S. 716, a bill that, among other things, limits the STOCK Act's requirement for online posting of public financial disclosure reports.

The enacted bill limits the STOCK Act's online posting requirement to the President, the Vice President, and any officer occupying a position at Levels I and II of the Executive Schedule as defined by 5 U.S.C. §§ 5312 and 5313. Approximately 67 positions in the Executive Branch are covered by this provision.

With regard to e-filing, the bill extends the date by which OGE must develop an e-filing system to January 1, 2014, and eliminates the requirement that the system allow for the searching, sorting and downloading of data contained in the reports.

You can access the full text of S. 716 at:

Posted on April 15, 2013